Everything about a rollator
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Everything about a rollator

A rollator is an aid for walking. It helps you keep your independence when experiencing mobility problems. A rollator is mostly used by people that have fallen, or by people that notice their balance is decreasing and that they need help with walking.

Is a rollator reimbursed by insurance companies?

In the past, rollators were reimbursed by health insurance, but this is no longer the case now. Rollators come at all kinds of prices, from an entry-level model of sixty euros to a very extensive version of one thousand euros. Since a rollator is no longer reimbursed by the health insurance, we recommend that you choose a rollator that is good for you and your wallet.

Are you going to use your walker indoors or outdoors?

A walker is usually used indoors. When purchasing a specific rollator for indoor or outdoor use, there are certain things to keep in mind, such as:

To sit or not to sit?

You can sit on some rollators. Between the armrests is a seat where you can sit down to rest between long walks. Other models have a basket to carry personal belongings.

Transporting things

If you intend to use your rollator to go grocery shopping, you need a rollator that can transport things. Usually, this is a rollator that does not have a seat to sit on, but does have a basket to transport things like your groceries.

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