Many people wake up with back pain after sleeping well. This is very annoying and often makes you feel tired despite having slept well. We would like to provide you with additional information on how back pain after sleeping occurs and what you can do about it. Read on quickly below.
How does back pain after sleeping happen?
There are several causes for back pain after sleeping. For instance, poor sleeping position is the most common cause. In particular, sleeping on your stomach can cause back pain, as the spine is in an unnatural position in this position. But an old or unsuitable mattress can also cause complaints. People who have a lot of stress or do heavy physical work also have an increased risk of back pain after sleeping.

How to prevent back pain after sleeping?
To prevent back pain after sleeping, you can take the following measures:
- Ensure a good sleeping position. Preferably sleep on your back or side, supporting the natural curvature of the spine. Avoid stomach sleeping, as this can strain the spine.
- Invest in a good quality mattress and pillow that adequately support your body. Replace your mattress about after 10 years and your pillow after 3 years.
- Maintain a dark and cool bedroom with a temperature between 16–18 degrees.
- Do regular exercises. Perform stretching and stability exercises to keep your back muscles flexible and strong and move regularly during the day. This will strengthen back muscles and improve flexibility.
- Try to avoid or reduce stress as much as possible. Stress creates a lot of tension in the body. Try to go to bed as relaxed as possible by meditating, taking a hot bath or reading a bit.
- Adjust your sleeping position. Use a pillow between your knees when lying on your side or under your knees when supine to reduce the pressure on your back.
By applying these tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of back pain after sleeping and enjoy a better night's sleep.

Need more information?
After reading this article, do you still have questions about back pain after sleeping and how best to remedy it? Then get in touch with our highly knowledgeable customer service team. They are on hand to answer all your questions and will be happy to help you along the way. We can be reached via phone, email and live chat.