Neck pain is a common complaint that can be caused by poor posture, working behind a screen for long periods, or sleeping in the wrong position. Fortunately, there are simple exercises you can do at home to reduce tension and make your neck muscles stronger and more flexible. In this blog, we will discuss some effective exercises for neck pain. Read on quickly below.

Effective exercises that reduce neck pain
If you suffer a lot from neck pain, there are a number of things you can do to reduce this pain. There are several effective exercises you can do to reduce pain and promote flexibility.
- Neck rotation
Tuck your chin in slightly and gently rotate your head to the left and right alternately. Do this 5 times to each side. This exercise releases tension from your neck and promotes blood circulation.
- Side neck bend
Tuck your chin in slightly and bend your neck to the left, bringing your left ear to your left shoulder. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat on the other side. Do this 3 times per side.
- Neck rolls
Tuck your chin in slightly and gently make a circle with your head, first to the right and then to the left. Do this a maximum of 5 times in each direction.
- Stretch arms
Stretch out as long as possible and reach up with your arms. Alternately, extend your left and right arm a little more. Do this 5 times with each arm.
- Neck massage
Use a tennis ball or stress ball between your back and the wall to massage your neck and shoulders.
- Seated neck exercise
Extend one arm parallel to the floor, tilt your head to the opposite shoulder and place your other hand on your ear. Hold for a few seconds and repeat on the other side.
- Spine roll
Stand upright, put your chin to your chest and slowly roll down, then stay still for a moment and gently roll back up. Repeat these exercises several times.
Perform these exercises regularly and within your pain threshold for best results. To support the neck, you can wear neck support. It's just better not to wear this at night. We recommend sleeping with an orthopaedic pillow to properly support your neck.

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